Mittwoch, 6. April 2011

Upholstered Daybed - How to Make a Sensible Choice!

Upholstered Daybed - How to Make a Sensible Choice!

Author: Miranda Xavier

There is absolutely nothing worse than discovering that your room has no where comfortable to sit! This is why the upholstered daybed is coming back into fashion. Metal or wood daybeds with lots of cushions on are fine if you are not going to be sitting on them everyday or for a long time; such as the duration of a film.

The French discovered the joys of daybeds a long time ago with the chaise longue design; and the reason that they have survived is because they are a good design. They are comfortable and attractive. The chaise longue in France comes in different shapes and styles, but all are upholstered. Unlike many other nations the French are not willing to compromise at all on comfort.

So if you want practical and comfortable furniture, which will increase your sleeping capacity then you should definitely consider an upholstered daybed.

There are two basic styles to consider. The first is the chaise longue style where either end is not he same. The second style is the more symmetrical version. Both styles can now be found quite easily with either a traditional or contemporary twist.

Apart from the style the next thing to consider is the fabric. As a parent I am rather keen on easy to wash or wipe options. This means that if I choose fabric furniture I try to get one with removable covers. The other option is leather. Leather is an expensive choice, but it does wipe clean of many things. The one thing to avoid with leather is however, felt tips pens; getting these out seems to be nigh on impossible (if anyone has any hints I would love to hear them!)

So all in, an upholstered daybed is likely to greatly enhance not only the look, but also the comfort of your room; and will hence improve your quality of relaxation time.

Discover the best prices and designs for an upholstered daybed at

This article was originally published at�

Direct Marketing Tips - What to Focus On

Direct Marketing Tips - What to Focus On

Author: Joe Stewart

Copyright (c) 2010 Joe Albert Stewart

There are many different forms of direct marketing, from leaflets to telemarketing.

However my direct marketing tips will focus on using email marketing. Email marketing is the most cost effective way of direct marketing and is easily automated. But it is also easy to get wrong.

Once you've managed to build a targeted mailing list, from an email capture form on your blog or site, you are ready to start broadcasting messages.

Below are my direct marketing tips:

1) Keep regular contact with your mailing list, sending out helpful information like "how to" videos and articles.

2) Don't over sell to your list. One marketing sales message per month.

3) Prepare your readers for the sale. Tell them that you've found something that's pretty great but you don't want to tell them what it is yet because you want to make sure works.

4) Don't over do it. I personally hate it when I get messages from the same guy every day, even if they are helpful. Two emails a week should be fine.

5) Be a leader. One of favourite direct marketing tips is telling people to act like a leader. Start acting like a leader now and before you know it you'll actually be one. This is when people start coming to you and actually asking to buy what you sell... crazy.

Remember to keep your emails basic and to the point. The title is very important because you need people to actually open the message. Try using Re: at the beginning because it makes people think they've had previous correspondence with you. It's a bit cheeky but it works.

Direct marketing is an easy way of reaching out to lots of people, but it can be difficult to make those people convert. So take your time and learn as much as you can. If you're new to this you need to realise that you won't convert well at first. Not many people will open your messages, let alone buy something because of them. It's once you've managed to build up a decent sized list that you will really see the rewards.

Even if you have a small list don't worry about getting started with broadcasting your messages. It's best to do as much as you can now so that you can learn and build confidence because it will pay big in the future.

The Secret Behind The Law Of Manifestation

The Secret Behind The Law Of Manifestation

Author: Felicia Fillmore

A lot of people may learn about the law of manifestation (also known as the law of attraction) and want to know how they can use it in their lives. It's misunderstood by some as some sort of magic, and by others as a hoax.
The fundamental idea underlying the law of manifestation is simple: thoughts become things.
This is where all the confusion begins.
It may appear, for example, that all that's necessary to manifest large sums of money, for example, is to imagine daily deliveries of checks.So you may sit down and think about checks coming in the mail. One for $10,000 here, one for $20,000 there. This little exercise occupies your time for a few weeks or months.
But if that's all you do, you probably won't see checks coming in the mail. Why is this?
Thinking about money won't create money. There is no giant dump truck full of golden coins coming to unload all of them into your driveway.
To get money, you must prepare yourself for it. The more you think about money in your life, the more aware you will become of opportunities to earn it.Your focus on money will become a "prism" through which you view the daily events of your life, so that when you see a vacant lot, you'll think about how you could make money there, or when you see a broken-down house, you wonder if you could buy it, fix it up and sell it for a profit.
Your concentrating on money didn't make these things appear - they were there all along.You simply weren't looking for them. The amount of information we're confronted with every minute of every day is almost impossible to quantify, and we concentrate only on that information we think is important. You probably don't remember the color of the car you parked next to yesterday at work, or what color the cashier's eyes were last time you went to the grocery store. With so much information coming our way, we can deal with only so much, and we basically ignore the rest.
By focusing on an intention, such as attracting money into our lives, we dial into that wavelength and we start to notice money making opportunities we otherwise wouldn't. That's how the law of manifestation works.
Think about it. All day long, every day, there are cars all over the place, yet you rarely pay much attention to them. The minute you're in the market for a new car, though, you start paying a great deal of attention to them, and then when you actually get one, you notice every other car on the road that's the same make and model as the one you bought. Focusing on getting a new car didn't get you the car, but it suddenly made you aware of all the cars in your part of the world.
For just about anything you can need, it works pretty much the same way.So if you want romance you need to focus on romance. The law of manifestation will present you with romantic opportunities - you just have to take advantage of them.
This is how the law of manifestation works.The laws of vibration and abundance are other universal laws that you can put to work together with the law of manifestation.When you master all of them, then you can use them in concert and seemingly make magic in your life.�
If you found this article to be helpful, and you want to learn more about manifesting your desires and attracting desired outcomes into your life, check out�Law of Manifestation Methods and�Bob Proctor's 11 Forgotten Laws.



Author: Mian Afaq Tariq


Earth (planet), one of nine planets in the solar system, the only planet known to harbor life, and the "home" of human beings. From space Earth resembles a big blue marble with swirling white clouds floating above blue oceans. About 71 percent of Earth�s surface is covered by water, which is essential to life. The rest is land, mostly in the form of continents that rise above the oceans.

Earth An oxygen-rich and protective atmosphere, moderate temperatures, abundant water, and a varied chemical composition enable Earth to support life, the only planet known to harbor life. The planet is composed of rock and metal, which are present in molten form beneath its surface. The Apollo 17 spacecraft took this snapshot in 1972 of the Arabian Peninsula, the African continent, and Antarctica (most of the white area near the bottom).

�Earth�s surface is surrounded by a layer of gases known as the atmosphere, which extends upward from the surface, slowly thinning out into space. Below the surface is a hot interior of rocky material and two core layers composed of the metals nickel and iron in solid and liquid form.

Unlike the other planets, Earth has a unique set of characteristics ideally suited to supporting life as we know it. It is neither too hot, like Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, nor too cold, like distant Mars and the even more distant outer planets�Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and tiny Pluto. Earth�s atmosphere includes just the right amount of gases that trap heat from the Sun, resulting in a moderate climate suitable for water to exist in liquid form. The atmosphere also helps block radiation from the Sun that would be harmful to life. Earth�s atmosphere distinguishes it from the planet Venus, which is otherwise much like Earth. Venus is about the same size and mass as Earth and is also neither too near nor too far from the Sun. But because Venus has too much heat-trapping carbon dioxide in its atmosphere, its surface is extremely hot�462�C (864�F)�hot enough to melt lead and too hot for life to exist.

Although Earth is the only planet known to have life, scientists do not rule out the possibility that life may once have existed on other planets or their moons, or may exist today in primitive form. Mars, for example, has many features that resemble river channels, indicating that liquid water once flowed on its surface. If so, life may also have evolved there, and evidence for it may one day be found in fossil form. Water still exists on Mars, but it is frozen in polar ice caps, in permafrost, and possibly in rocks below the surface.

For thousands of years, human beings could only wonder about Earth and the other observable planets in the solar system. Many early ideas�for example, that the Earth was a sphere and that it traveled around the Sun�were based on brilliant reasoning. However, it was only with the development of the scientific method and scientific instruments, especially in the 18th and 19th centuries, that humans began to gather data that could be used to verify theories about Earth and the rest of the solar system. By studying fossils found in rock layers, for example, scientists realized that the Earth was much older than previously believed. And with the use of telescopes, new planets such as Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were discovered.

Earth from the Moon In the late 1960s, people saw for the first time what Earth looked like from space. This famous photo of Earth was taken by astronauts on the Apollo 8 mission as they orbited the Moon in 1968.

In the second half of the 20th century, more advances in the study of Earth and the solar system occurred due to the development of rockets that could send spacecraft beyond Earth. Human beings were able to study and observe Earth from space with satellites equipped with scientific instruments. Astronauts landed on the Moon and gathered ancient rocks that revealed much about the early solar system. During this remarkable advancement in human history, humans also sent unmanned spacecraft to the other planets and their moons. Spacecraft have now visited all of the planets except Pluto. The study of other planets and moons has provided new insights about Earth, just as the study of the Sun and other stars like it has helped shape new theories about how Earth and the rest of the solar system formed.

As a result of this recent space exploration, we now know that Earth is one of the most geologically active of all the planets and moons in the solar system. Earth is constantly changing. Over long periods of time land is built up and worn away, oceans are formed and re-formed, and continents move around, break up, and merge.

Life itself contributes to changes on Earth, especially in the way living things can alter Earth�s atmosphere. For example, Earth at one time had the same amount of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere as Venus now has, but early forms of life helped remove this carbon dioxide over millions of years. These life forms also added oxygen to Earth�s atmosphere and made it possible for animal life to evolve on land.

A variety of scientific fields have broadened our knowledge about Earth, including biogeography, climatology, geology, geophysics, hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, and zoogeography. Collectively, these fields are known as Earth science. By studying Earth�s atmosphere, its surface, and its interior and by studying the Sun and the rest of the solar system, scientists have learned much about how Earth came into existence, how it changed, and why it continues to change.


Earth is the third planet from the Sun, after Mercury and Venus. The average distance between Earth and the Sun is 150 million km (93 million mi). Earth and all the other planets in the solar system revolve, or orbit, around the Sun due to the force of gravitation. The Earth travels at a velocity of about 107,000 km/h (about 67,000 mph) as it orbits the Sun. All but one of the planets orbit the Sun in the same plane�that is, if an imaginary line were extended from the center of the Sun to the outer regions of the solar system, the orbital paths of the planets would intersect that line. The exception is Pluto, which has an eccentric (unusual) orbit.

Earth�s orbital path is not quite a perfect circle but instead is slightly elliptical (oval-shaped). For example, at maximum distance Earth is about 152 million km (about 95 million mi) from the Sun; at minimum distance Earth is about 147 million km (about 91 million mi) from the Sun. If Earth orbited the Sun in a perfect circle, it would always be the same distance from the Sun.

The solar system, in turn, is part of the Milky Way Galaxy, a collection of billions of stars bound together by gravity. The Milky Way has armlike discs of stars that spiral out from its center. The solar system is located in one of these spiral arms, known as the Orion arm, which is about two-thirds of the way from the center of the Galaxy. In most parts of the Northern Hemisphere, this disc of stars is visible on a summer night as a dense band of light known as the Milky Way.

Milky Way Galaxy Our own solar system exists within one of the spiral arms of the disk-shaped galaxy called the Milky Way. This false-color image looks toward the center of the Milky Way, located 30,000 light-years away. Bright star clusters are visible along with darker areas of dust and gas.Photo Researchers, Inc./Morton-Milon/Science Source

Earth is the fifth largest planet in the solar system. Its diameter, measured around the equator, is 12,756 km (7,926 mi). Earth is not a perfect sphere but is slightly flattened at the poles. Its polar diameter, measured from the North Pole to the South Pole, is somewhat less than the equatorial diameter because of this flattening. Although Earth is the largest of the four planets�Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars�that make up the inner solar system (the planets closest to the Sun), it is small compared with the giant planets of the outer solar system�Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. For example, the largest planet, Jupiter, has a diameter at its equator of 143,000 km (89,000 mi), 11 times greater than that of Earth. A famous atmospheric feature on Jupiter, the Great Red Spot, is so large that three Earths would fit inside it.

Earth has one natural satellite, the Moon. The Moon orbits the Earth, completing one revolution in an elliptical path in 27 days 7 hr 43 min 11.5 sec. The Moon orbits the Earth because of the force of Earth�s gravity. However, the Moon also exerts a gravitational force on the Earth. Evidence for the Moon�s gravitational influence can be seen in the ocean tides. A popular theory suggests that the Moon split off from Earth more than 4 billion years ago when a large meteorite or small planet struck the Earth.

As Earth revolves around the Sun, it rotates, or spins, on its axis, an imaginary line that runs between the North and South poles. The period of one complete rotation is defined as a day and takes 23 hr 56 min 4.1 sec. The period of one revolution around the Sun is defined as a year, or 365.2422 solar days, or 365 days 5 hr 48 min 46 sec. Earth also moves along with the Milky Way Galaxy as the Galaxy rotates and moves through space. It takes more than 200 million years for the stars in the Milky Way to complete one revolution around the Galaxy�s center.

Earth�s axis of rotation is inclined (tilted) 23.5� relative to its plane of revolution around the Sun. This inclination of the axis creates the seasons and causes the height of the Sun in the sky at noon to increase and decrease as the seasons change. The Northern Hemisphere receives the most energy from the Sun when it is tilted toward the Sun. This orientation corresponds to summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere. The Southern Hemisphere receives maximum energy when it is tilted toward the Sun, corresponding to summer in the Southern Hemisphere and winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Fall and spring occur in between these orientations.


The atmosphere is a layer of different gases that extends from Earth�s surface to the exosphere, the outer limit of the atmosphere, about 9,600 km (6,000 mi) above the surface. Near Earth�s surface, the atmosphere consists almost entirely of nitrogen (78 percent) and oxygen (21 percent). The remaining 1 percent of atmospheric gases consists of argon (0.9 percent); carbon dioxide (0.03 percent); varying amounts of water vapor; and trace amounts of hydrogen, nitrous oxide, ozone, methane, carbon monoxide, helium, neon, krypton, and xenon.

A Layers of the Atmosphere

Divisions of the Atmosphere Without our atmosphere, there would be no life on Earth. A relatively thin envelope, the atmosphere consists of layers of gases that support life and provide protection from harmful radiation.� Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

The layers of the atmosphere are the troposphere, the stratosphere, the mesosphere, the thermosphere, and the exosphere. The troposphere is the layer in which weather occurs and extends from the surface to about 16 km (about 10 mi) above sea level at the equator. Above the troposphere is the stratosphere, which has an upper boundary of about 50 km (about 30 mi) above sea level. The layer from 50 to 90 km (30 to 60 mi) is called the mesosphere. At an altitude of about 90 km, temperatures begin to rise. The layer that begins at this altitude is called the thermosphere because of the high temperatures that can be reached in this layer (about 1200�C, or about 2200�F). The region beyond the thermosphere is called the exosphere. The thermosphere and the exosphere overlap with another region of the atmosphere known as the ionosphere, a layer or layers of ionized air extending from almost 60 km (about 50 mi) above Earth�s surface to altitudes of 1,000 km (600 mi) and more.

Earth�s atmosphere and the way it interacts with the oceans and radiation from the Sun are responsible for the planet�s climate and weather. The atmosphere plays a key role in supporting life. Almost all life on Earth uses atmospheric oxygen for energy in a process known as cellular respiration, which is essential to life. The atmosphere also helps moderate Earth�s climate by trapping radiation from the Sun that is reflected from Earth�s surface. Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere act as "greenhouse gases." Like the glass in a greenhouse, they trap infrared, or heat, radiation from the Sun in the lower atmosphere and thereby help warm Earth�s surface. Without this greenhouse effect, heat radiation would escape into space, and Earth would be too cold to support most forms of life.

Other gases in the atmosphere are also essential to life. The trace amount of ozone found in Earth�s stratosphere blocks harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Without the ozone layer, life as we know it could not survive on land. Earth�s atmosphere is also an important part of a phenomenon known as the water cycle or the hydrologic cycle. See also Atmosphere.

B The Atmosphere and the Water Cycle

The water cycle simply means that Earth�s water is continually recycled between the oceans, the atmosphere, and the land. All of the water that exists on Earth today has been used and reused for billions of years. Very little water has been created or lost during this period of time. Water is constantly moving on Earth�s surface and changing back and forth between ice, liquid water, and water vapor.

The water cycle begins when the Sun heats the water in the oceans and causes it to evaporate and enter the atmosphere as water vapor. Some of this water vapor falls as precipitation directly back into the oceans, completing a short cycle. Some of the water vapor, however, reaches land, where it may fall as snow or rain. Melted snow or rain enters rivers or lakes on the land. Due to the force of gravity, the water in the rivers eventually empties back into the oceans. Melted snow or rain also may enter the ground. Groundwater may be stored for hundreds or thousands of years, but it will eventually reach the surface as springs or small pools known as seeps. Even snow that forms glacial ice or becomes part of the polar caps and is kept out of the cycle for thousands of years eventually melts or is warmed by the Sun and turned into water vapor, entering the atmosphere and falling again as precipitation. All water that falls on land eventually returns to the ocean, completing the water cycle.


Earth�s surface is the outermost layer of the planet. It includes the hydrosphere, the crust, and the biosphere.

A Hydrosphere

The hydrosphere consists of the bodies of water that cover 71 percent of Earth�s surface. The largest of these are the oceans, which contain over 97 percent of all water on Earth. Glaciers and the polar ice caps contain just over 2 percent of Earth�s water in the form of solid ice. Only about 0.6 percent is under the surface as groundwater. Nevertheless, groundwater is 36 times more plentiful than water found in lakes, inland seas, rivers, and in the atmosphere as water vapor. Only 0.017 percent of all the water on Earth is found in lakes and rivers. And a mere 0.001 percent is found in the atmosphere as water vapor. Most of the water in glaciers, lakes, inland seas, rivers, and groundwater is fresh and can be used for drinking and agriculture. Dissolved salts compose about 3.5 percent of the water in the oceans, however, making it unsuitable for drinking or agriculture unless it is treated to remove the salts.

B Crust

The crust consists of the continents, other land areas, and the basins, or floors, of the oceans. The dry land of Earth�s surface is called the continental crust. It is about 15 to 75 km (9 to 47 mi) thick. The oceanic crust is thinner than the continental crust. Its average thickness is 5 to 10 km (3 to 6 mi). The crust has a definite boundary called the Mohorovi

Oceanic crust and continental crust differ in the type of rocks they contain. There are three main types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Igneous rocks form when molten rock, called magma, cools and solidifies. Sedimentary rocks are usually created by the breakdown of igneous rocks. They tend to form in layers as small particles of other rocks or as the mineralized remains of dead animals and plants that have fused together over time. The remains of dead animals and plants occasionally become mineralized in sedimentary rock and are recognizable as fossils. Metamorphic rocks form when sedimentary or igneous rocks are altered by heat and pressure deep underground.

Oceanic crust consists of dark, dense igneous rocks, such as basalt and gabbro. Continental crust consists of lighter-colored, less dense igneous rocks, such as granite and diorite. Continental crust also includes metamorphic rocks and sedimentary rocks.

C Biosphere

The biosphere includes all the areas of Earth capable of supporting life. The biosphere ranges from about 10 km (about 6 mi) into the atmosphere to the deepest ocean floor. For a long time, scientists believed that all life depended on energy from the Sun and consequently could only exist where sunlight penetrated. In the 1970s, however, scientists discovered various forms of life around hydrothermal vents on the floor of the Pacific Ocean where no sunlight penetrated. They learned that primitive bacteria formed the basis of this living community and that the bacteria derived their energy from a process called chemosynthesis that did not depend on sunlight. Some scientists believe that the biosphere may extend relatively deep into Earth�s crust. They have recovered what they believe are primitive bacteria from deeply drilled holes below the surface.

D Changes to Earth�s Surface

Earth�s surface has been constantly changing ever since the planet formed. Most of these changes have been gradual, taking place over millions of years. Nevertheless, these gradual changes have resulted in radical modifications, involving the formation, erosion, and re-formation of mountain ranges, the movement of continents, the creation of huge supercontinents, and the breakup of supercontinents into smaller continents.

The weathering and erosion that result from the water cycle are among the principal factors responsible for changes to Earth�s surface. Another principal factor is the movement of Earth�s continents and seafloors and the buildup of mountain ranges due to a phenomenon known as plate tectonics. Heat is the basis for all of these changes. Heat in Earth�s interior is believed to be responsible for continental movement, mountain building, and the creation of new seafloor in ocean basins. Heat from the Sun is responsible for the evaporation of ocean water and the resulting precipitation that causes weathering and erosion. In effect, heat in Earth�s interior helps build up Earth�s surface while heat from the Sun helps wear down the surface.

D1 Weathering

Weathering is the breakdown of rock at and near the surface of Earth. Most rocks originally formed in a hot, high-pressure environment below the surface where there was little exposure to water. Once the rocks reached Earth�s surface, however, they were subjected to temperature changes and exposed to water. When rocks are subjected to these kinds of surface conditions, the minerals they contain tend to change. These changes constitute the process of weathering. There are two types of weathering: physical weathering and chemical weathering.

Physical weathering involves a decrease in the size of rock material. Freezing and thawing of water in rock cavities, for example, splits rock into small pieces because water expands when it freezes.

Chemical weathering involves a chemical change in the composition of rock. For example, feldspar, a common mineral in granite and other rocks, reacts with water to form clay minerals, resulting in a new substance with totally different properties than the parent feldspar. Chemical weathering is of significance to humans because it creates the clay minerals that are important components of soil, the basis of agriculture. Chemical weathering also causes the release of dissolved forms of sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and other chemical elements into surface water and groundwater. These elements are carried by surface water and groundwater to the sea and are the sources of dissolved salts in the sea.

D2 Erosion

Glacial Erosion Glaciers erode the earth�s surface through processes such as abrasion, crushing, and fracturing of the material in the glacier�s path. Glaciers move by growing or shrinking, depending on the climate. Moving glaciers erode and transport large quantities of rocks, sand, and other particles along their path. The icy path shown here is a moraine formed by a glacier in Switzerland.Photo Researchers, Inc./Paolo Koch

Erosion is the process that removes loose and weathered rock and carries it to a new site. Water, wind, and glacial ice combined with the force of gravity can cause erosion.

Erosion by running water is by far the most common process of erosion. It takes place over a longer period of time than other forms of erosion. When water from rain or melted snow moves downhill, it can carry loose rock or soil with it. Erosion by running water forms the familiar gullies and V-shaped valleys that cut into most landscapes. The force of the running water removes loose particles formed by weathering. In the process, gullies and valleys are lengthened, widened, and deepened. Often, water overflows the banks of the gullies or river channels, resulting in floods. Each new flood carries more material away to increase the size of the valley. Meanwhile, weathering loosens more and more material so the process continues.

Erosion by glacial ice is less common, but it can cause the greatest landscape changes in the shortest amount of time. Glacial ice forms in a region where snow fails to melt in the spring and summer and instead builds up as ice. For major glaciers to form, this lack of snowmelt has to occur for a number of years in areas with high precipitation. As ice accumulates and thickens, it flows as a solid mass. As it flows, it has a tremendous capacity to erode soil and even solid rock. Ice is a major factor in shaping some landscapes, especially mountainous regions. Glacial ice provides much of the spectacular scenery in these regions. Features such as horns (sharp mountain peaks), ar

Wind is an important cause of erosion only in arid (dry) regions. Wind carries sand and dust, which can scour even solid rock.

Many factors determine the rate and kind of erosion that occurs in a given area. The climate of an area determines the distribution, amount, and kind of precipitation that the area receives and thus the type and rate of weathering. An area with an arid climate erodes differently than an area with a humid climate. The elevation of an area also plays a role by determining the potential energy of running water. The higher the elevation the more energetically water will flow due to the force of gravity. The type of bedrock in an area (sandstone, granite, or shale) can determine the shapes of valleys and slopes, and the depth of streams.

A landscape�s geologic age�that is, how long current conditions of weathering and erosion have affected the area�determines its overall appearance. Relatively young landscapes tend to be more rugged and angular in appearance. Older landscapes tend to have more rounded slopes and hills. The oldest landscapes tend to be low-lying with broad, open river valleys and low, rounded hills. The overall effect of the wearing down of an area is to level the land; the tendency is toward the reduction of all land surfaces to sea level.

D3 Plate Tectonics

Opposing this tendency toward leveling is a force responsible for raising mountains and plateaus and for creating new landmasses. These changes to Earth�s surface occur in the outermost solid portion of Earth, known as the lithosphere. The lithosphere consists of the crust and another region known as the upper mantle and is approximately 65 to 100 km (40 to 60 mi) thick. Compared with the interior of the Earth, however, this region is relatively thin. The lithosphere is thinner in proportion to the whole Earth than the skin of an apple is to the whole apple.

Scientists believe that the lithosphere is broken into a series of plates, or segments. According to the theory of plate tectonics, these plates move around on Earth�s surface over long periods of time. Tectonics comes from the Greek word, tektonikos, which means "builder."

According to the theory, the lithosphere is divided into large and small plates. The largest plates include the Pacific plate, the North American plate, the Eurasian plate, the Antarctic plate, the Indo-Australian plate, and the African plate. Smaller plates include the Cocos plate, the Nazca plate, the Philippine plate, and the Caribbean plate. Plate sizes vary a great deal. The Cocos plate is 2,000 km (1,000 mi) wide, while the Pacific plate is nearly 14,000 km (nearly 9,000 mi) wide.

These plates move in three different ways in relation to each other. They pull apart or move away from each other, they collide or move against each other, or they slide past each other as they move sideways. The movement of these plates helps explain many geological events, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as well as mountain building and the formation of the oceans and continents.

?i? discontinuity, or simply the Moho. The boundary separates the crust from the underlying mantle, which is much thicker and is part of Earth�s interior.etes (sharp ridges), glacially formed lakes, and U-shaped valleys are all the result of glacial erosion.

7 Keys to Attracting Health, Wealth and Happiness

7 Keys to Attracting Health, Wealth and Happiness

Author: Carole Hodges

Remember a time when you felt like you were �in the flow?� Imagine breathing easily as everything lines up effortlessly. Opportunities show up. You are supported in being your best. You feel good, you look good. You like the people around you. You enjoy this moment and you look forward to the future.
Here�s the good news. There is a formula for this outrageous attraction. It isn�t a secret. Perhaps no one taught it to you, yet I suspect you have known it in your heart all along. All you need to do is practice it.
This formula is effective in both your business and your personal life. Start with yourself � then you can expand to your business success.
1. Be aware of your feelings. Pay attention to the callings of your heart. Emotions are one small aspect of your feelings. Emotions cycle between happiness, sadness, fear momentary distractions. But feelings are a measure of truth. Start listening. You will find the truth within.
2. Do more of what makes you happy. Pay attention to the people, the surroundings, your activities, what you say and do and what you read, watch or listen to. If it seems to raise your vibration closer to joy, do more of that. Ask your inner guidance and trust yourself to know.
3. Move away from things that drain you. Some activities rob you of joy. Mindless television or web surfing leave you feeling numb and unconnected. Overeating can leave you feeling bloated and lifeless. Some tasks deplete you of life energy. And toxic people can bring you into their no-win dramas. Look for life supporting alternatives.
4. Take care of your body. Bodies need good nutrition, exercise and rest. And of course bodies appreciate medical care, massage and lots of hugs. Your body will give you very clear feedback on how to care for it. Pay attention to the food that energizes you. Avoid the foods that drain you.
5. Choose how you spend your resources. Allocate your time to things that matter to you. Spend time with people you care about. Use your money wisely to bring you more of the good things. Review you choices regularly.
6. Be willing to stretch beyond your comfort zone. What feels good one day can become a prison the next. Your personal best is always growing. Enjoy life in humility. Discomfort can be a temporary emotion, yet it can also be a good feeling of growth and personal challenge.
7. Let go of the past now. Whatever happened yesterday is gone. You can�t make it better, you can�t ruin its glory. Address the challenges of this day and you have power. Take only the lessons from yesterday and leave the baggage.
Would you be willing to do these 7 steps over and over again? Could you revise and revamp them along the way? What difference could it make? Are you willing to find out?
It is your journey, from beginning to end. How great to experience it fully. There are joys and sorrows, but more than that � there is your outrageous choice to say YES to the spirit connection.
Are you tired of struggling for success? Carole Hodges provides the kind of guidance that business owners need in this busy world. Get� your Special Report: 15 Attitudes that Complicate You Life and Paralyze Your Business and simple tips to make change NOW.

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Author: Paid Survey Expert

Get Paid Cash To Try Products

These are just three of the ways to earn money online. Either you get paid to read emails, do online typing job, or get paid to answer surveys. These would somehow eat up your time, but the pay and less hassle should be worth it.

For starters, this might be confusing ways to earn money, and you'd certainly know and appreciate the value of help especially when very much needed. You should know when and where to look for help which should not be hard for you. Almost anyone could already use the internet nowadays so you could make money at home and if you just make a very good and wide research, you'd see that there are really people making money on the internet.

When you are asked to "get paid to read", you will be sent a handful of emails everyday and you have to sit in your swivel chair and read if not all then most of them. The more you read, the more money you earn. This might need the same number of hours from you if you were working on a real job, but with this kind of job, you won't have to wake up early in the morning, travel during rush hour, dress your best everyday (which means less clothes to wash), plus you won't have to miss your favorite TV drama, outings or family affairs. Sounds great, isn't it? Get Paid Cash To Try Products

Are these offers legitimate? Yes, they are. They are ways to make money and when done the right way, you'd be able to make more income per day then you could ever get when working for day job with minimum wage. If you accept online typing job, all you need to do is follow the rules of the company or person you're working for. You have to verify with them first about how, when will you get paid and what are the circumstances which could lead you to not getting paid for your service. Be detailed with them. Sometimes, they also require minimum typing speed and you have to be very honest if don't meet their standards.

You must be wondering how this is possible. Well, there are major companies and businesses who find it less expensive to pay people to do part-time job for them from home rather than to hire an employee and pay them salary with benefits. Like, if you choose to be paid by answering surveys, then this gives them a lesser amount to give away compared to hiring an employee to cater the improvement of their service or product. All you need to do is just give them honest, credible and helpful answers so your service should be worth their money and trust. Get Paid Cash To Try Products

Atomic Wall Clocks - Time Is Waiting for No Man

Atomic Wall Clocks - Time Is Waiting for No Man

Author: Borge Osarrellmo

The first time pieces started approximately Six,000 years ago for non secular rituals. These devises were frequently candles and table lamps. Farmers used sections of time for planting, growing as well as harvesting. It was not essential to be aware of exact time.
The subsequent instrument was Sundials from Egypt which noticeable the everyday progress from the suns movement across the sky. This approach was recognized to be accurate and helpful. It is possible to nevertheless purchase clocks that appear similar to sundials right now. These had been created of brass and only the wealthy can afford them. Briton transformed the metal dials with painted types. These were inexpensive and timepieces started being employed for adornment also as keeping time.
The initial antique wall clocks had been referred to as lanterns. They had been produced out of brass, really heavy and had been put up on walls. The idea of individual clocks was introduced in the Seventeenth century.
All clocks get inner workings that would big surprise and amaze you. We all ordinarily just take it for granted. There are actually analog clocks which may have a face and fingers and battery operated and there tend to be digital clocks which are typically powered by an electric present with number displays.
Timepieces maintain cultures and communities united and functioning. Most western cultures value punctuality particularly in the organization community. There is a declaring, "Time is funds!"
Nearly all clocks are mass produced today making use of less expensive supplies for instance plastic and metals. The majority of Americans come across that clocks are generally more affordable then most works of art to help fill their empty walls. They also are a position symbol and bring classiness and character to a person's surroundings.
Some types of timepieces, but not limited to are: Vintage, Wall, Contemporary, Nautical, Atomic, Decorative, Conventional, Mantel, Grandfather, Cuckoo, Cooking area, Alarm, and other people. You can find two kinds of movement. They're mechanical and also quartz battery operated. Some mechanical clocks create a chiming sound. Clocks are also powered by solar energy, winding mechanism, and batteries.
Clocks might cover hundreds of years but constantly give off visual pleasure. Without clocks existence would be chaotic. Most people wear them on their wrists, keep these things next to their bed, and also display them in nearly all room of the house. Even though generally, they could in no way pay significantly believed to their clocks along with their function.
Here can be a listing of several well-liked clock manufacturers which are well-known for their competent craftsmanship and supreme top quality. Howard Miller Firm, Bulova, Geochron , Ridgeway Clock Company and Seth Thomas Clocks.
Next time you look at any form of time, take a minute and consider what your life would be just like if this instrument didn't occur.

New Tips Increasing The Size Of Your Erect Penis Quickly And Permanently - Answers To Important Questions

New Tips Increasing The Size Of Your Erect Penis Quickly And Permanently - Answers To Important Questions

Author: Gregory Reinhart

Do you constantly imagine having a bigger penis and you feel like it will improve your life on the whole? Are you looking to find out if the best penis male enlargement patch can help you achieve this dream? Great! This article will not just explain some of the basic facts about penis male enlargement patches but it will also allow you to explore some of the alternatives.

Are you happy with the size of your penis? If you are not then take action today! Once you understand how simple it is to enlarge your penis you will wonder why you waited so long.

See impressive results this week >> Click here now and get started TODAY >> Results are guaranteed for you >>

To sexually satisfy a woman you do not have to have bigger than average penis. You will have to know certain love making techniques not the bigger size in the lower department. However in order to get the woman you like into bed in the first place you will need confidence. Not surprisingly men with bigger penises have that confidence. Think about that. Male enhancement exercises may commence your personal sexual revolution.

As the new year gets into full swing do you have any special resolutions you really want to keep? Maybe lose a few pounds or stop smoking? Perhaps you want to get yourself a bigger penis! Whoa how can a man make his penis grow? This article will explain.

As time passes by and more and more men are scammed by the pill companies they wonder if there will ever be something that truly can make them larger or not. You can search all over the world for something that dramatically increases your size but there is only one method that you can use to get larger. This practice is known as penis hand exercises. It puts you in control of your own size and nobody else.

In this article I will will explain step by step how you can cure your premature early ejaculation problem no matter how severe or even how long you have had it for. I have cured this problem for many guys including myself and now it's time to cure you!

Do you want to improve the quality of the sex in your relationship? Want to be better equipped to fulfill all your woman's sexual desires? Then you should start looking into enhancing your manhood today!

Making your penis bigger can seem like a difficult thing to do. It can also seem impossible. Especially when you're not sure how you can do it. It'll have you asking yourself 'How to make my penis bigger'. So what I'm going to do is share with you some tips on how you can add up to 4 inches or more to your penis.

Self Defense Tactics For Women- Top 5 Personal Safety Techniques

Self Defense Tactics For Women- Top 5 Personal Safety Techniques

Author: Su Ericksen

Don't take your personal safety for granted. Take charge with these five easy to learn self defense tactics to help keep you safe. �
Every day the news is filled with horror stories involving women as victims of violent crime. We worry about ourselves and female friends and relatives. While no one can guarantee your personal safety, even in your own home, these self defense tactics can help reduce your chances of becoming a victim of violent crime.

Practice awareness. You must be aware of what�s going on around you at all times. Keep your ears open. Sometimes your ears can hear what your eyes can't see-behind you and around corners. This won�t work if you have ear buds in! Make frequent visual scans. While this not only helps you to see what�s happening around you, but it gives the impression you have confidence. Which brings us to the next of our self defense tactics:
Appear confident. Hold your head high. Keep your spine straight and shoulders back. Look at people's faces. Perpetrators are looking for victims with low self esteem (first impression of those starring at the floor) and they tend to steer clear of those who already saw them and can identify them.
Use common sense.This should be a given or it should be first, I'll compromise and put it in the middle. Don't go to an unfamiliar place alone, in the dark- and many less extreme examples. Lock your doors, use buddy system, let people know where you are and when you�ll be home, etc. I understand that as independent modern women we shouldn't� have to report to anyone or restrict our activities because we wish to go alone, but we still need to� apply common sense as a component of our self defense tactics.
Trust your intuition. We are born with "gut instincts". If, through the years, we haven't denied and suppressed them these instincts can help us. If you "have a bad feeling" there is probably a reason. Stop if you can and try to figure it out. Is it supernatural? Possibly, or perhaps you saw or heard something in the periphery that don't consciously register, but caused your mind to send out an alert.
Have a plan. Be prepared to defend yourself if you have to. It's not enough to know how, verbally or physically. You need to know that you can and will execute the plan if/when the circumstance presents itself. Hopefully you�ll never encounter a self defense situation. A martial art class or a self defense class is an excellent way to get hands-on experience and to understand the actual feel of these techniques with a partner. Just remember, if you freeze-up in real life, the plan is worthless.

Self defense tactics need to become second nature. You don�t want to live in a state of paranoia. Being prepared will help you gain confidence and independence. �

Why Now Is The Best Time To Get A New Car Loan

Why Now Is The Best Time To Get A New Car Loan

Author: Lara Sawyer

The economy is an awful mess - anyone who reads the evening news can tell you that. Many people are wondering if they can get the loan they need to buy a new car. The short answer is - yes! There are many lenders looking to loan money for individuals to purchase new cars, regardless of the economic problems going on in the country today.

Little Risk To Lenders Equals Approval For You

Why would banks and lending institutions be willing to put money out in an uncertain economy for consumers to purchase new cars? The answer is simple. When you purchase a new car, the bank owns interest in the car that you purchase. If you do not pay for the car or cannot pay for the car due to any reason, the bank has the right to repossess the car and resell it. Therefore, lenders know that car loans carry very little risk - they will either get their money (plus interest) from you, or they will repossess the car and sell it to someone else and get their money that way. Either way, car financing is win-win for the lender in all economic situations.

Further, because you must carry comprehensive collision insurance on the car that you buy - the lender knows that any damage that is done to the car will be taken care of as well. This just adds to the lender confidence that is rampant when it comes to loaning money for borrowers with all types of credit to buy the car they need.

Up To $30,000 For Your Dream Car

New car loans start out around $10,000 and can go all the way up to $30,000 or more, depending upon your income and your ability to repay the lender. Never agree to make a car payment that is more than you can reasonably afford.

You can save money on the amount of interest that you will be charged on your new car loan by making a down payment. Even a down payment of $1000 will go a long way towards reducing your interest rate. Keep in mind, also, that your down payment will make your monthly payments less also, which will make managing your payment much easier.

Why Buying NOW Can Save Thousands

Another reason you might consider purchasing your new car now is price. This is the season of the year that new models for the coming year are being released. Many dealers drastically slash the price of the current model year vehicles they have in stock in order to clear out some inventory. You can save thousands on these brand new vehicles by shopping now.

To find even greater savings on your new car loan, you might also look towards Internet lenders. The lenders who do business online tend to have much lower rates of interest and friendly terms than lenders at the local bank or credit union can offer. In addition, you can completely fill out all of your paperwork for your new car loan from the comfort of your own home.

You are the princess-playing princess games for girls

You are the princess-playing princess games for girls

Author: fun games for girls

Sometimes girls like cooking games for girls and many other games for girls,but you will change your idea after you see the wonderful princess games for girls,you will see the pretty girls in the princess games for girls and have a look of it,and then you will know how wonderful it is to dress the girl up with pretty dresses.

Maybe you are a girl who is so ordinary that can't feel the life of princess,but now you can do this,and whenever you want and whatever you want too in the princess games for girls, which is different from the love games for girls or the games for girls� too.

It is a beautiful day to the kingdom and with beautiful sunshine,so the girl want to go out for a walk,but before that she should decide how to dress herself up and make herself up too.. by the water fountain. The youngest of the king, this beautiful princess called Annabelle is cooling in the garden from the ball that takes place in the palace ballroom. Dress up the princess in one of her beautiful gowns and choose some amazing princess accessories for her as well.

There are tens of dresses which are all so fashion and make her become so pretty,and then you will see the girl are being the most pretty girl in the world then,in the dress up games for girls,it is the most important thing to make her be the winner in your own life,don't understand all the girls can be the winner of their life,you can do this too,confidence is all the things that a girl should have,so have a look of the dress up games for girls and then you will find it so interesting to do this.

Enjoy the funny free online games for girls ,and also enjoy you life too,you should know that to be happy is the most important thing in the world.

188 Stage Hero's Journey - Screenwriting - Gran Torino (2008)

188 Stage Hero's Journey - Screenwriting - Gran Torino (2008)

Author: IlonBene

Some of the stages of the Hero's Journey within this story follow:

a) There is an initial death (Walt's wife dies). This represents the death of the Another World, the one where the Hero remains in isolation between the Peripheral World and the Ordinary World.

b) There is the Innocent Archetype (Thao); this is one of the major transformations in this story (Thao's journey from boy to man), another being Walt's (his gradual acceptance of his neighbours).

c) There is the push to cross physical borders and then the actual crossing of them (breaking the garden gnome; "get off my lawn").

d) There is the Old World attachment and detachment process (Walt is attached to his Korean war memories).

e) There is the Supernatural Aid archteype (Walt plays this when he rescues Sue; Sue plays it when she guides Walt into her World).

f) There is the Road of Trials (Thao's working for Walt) and the associated dissolution of the Modified Self (Walt's despising of Thao decreases).

g) There is the Sword and Bride Theft (Thao is initially unprepared for the Seizing of the Sword; it is his journey with Walt that gives him the capacity to do so; he finally asks the girl out).

h) There is the Rebirth through Death Experience (a result of Sue's rape). Both Walt and Thao are ready to take on the gangbangers after that.

i) There is the Elixir (the Gran Torino is finally given to Thao).

j) There is the becoming of the Master of the Two Worlds (Walt calls Thao his friend in the end of the story).

Learn more...


The Complete 188 stage Hero's Journey and other story structure templates can be found at

188 stages of the Hero's Journey can also be reached from

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You can post this article on your web site or blog as long as no changes are made, the author's name is retained and the links to our site URLs remains active.

Kal Bishop, MBA

Acne Natural Treatments and Herbs for Comedo

Acne Natural Treatments and Herbs for Comedo

Author: steevaustin

Acne is a skin disorder that creates inflammation and dense 'pimples' on the skin, when natural oils produced by the skin get clogged in your pores.
It is believed that an increasing level of testosterone and natural oils in the body is largely responsible for the creation of acne, which usually happens during teenage years and in some cases even as you get older. Genetic factors also have an influence.
Natural Treatments for Acne
Tea Tree oil - is effective in treating Acne because it contains properties that fight bacteria. Remember, bacteria are often the cause of Acne. There is little side effect from the use of Tea Tree oil.
Zinc and Vitamin A - Both have the ability to repair and promote healthy skin, and zinc is able to restore hormonal imbalances.
Aloe Vera Gel - This gel is very soothing and has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammation properties. It is therefore an effective natural treatment against Acne.
Changing your Diet - increasing your consumption of high-fiber foods will help you clean out your digestive tract. These include fruits and vegetables, cereals, and wholegrain food. Also, decrease you consumption of fried food, drugs, and alcohol, because taking these will certainly counter your efforts!
The first step to clearing acne - Live your life the right way
It is believed that if you have a healthy lifestyle, at most you will only have light acne condition. If you get this done and live healthily, I am sure you are able to cure your acne in no time at all. Start exercising frequently. Avoid junk foods and eat more fruits and vegetables. This lesson took me more than 8 years to learn it. This single bit of advice I can give you is the best you can receive on acne and health.
Wash your face properly.
Cleanse your face properly. Do not wash your face more than twice a day. Exceed this and you stand a chance to irritate your skin.
Aloe Vera�� �
Aloe vera is really good for your acne condition. Use aloe vera mask frequently. Try aloe vera out, you won't regret it.
Ginger juice
Acne is a kind of inflammatory disease. Ginger's ingredients possess anti-inflammatory properties that are able to reduce the chances of acne and the swellings and redness cause by acne. For best results, drink only pure ginger juice daily.
Benzoyl peroxide - Not natural, but is really effective
You should consider using benzoyl peroxide to treat your acne. Benzoyl peroxide is one of the most effective acne medications that I have come across. It is cheap and does a better job than most of those expensive medications.
In this article, I have shown you six powerful yet affordable ways to cure your acne. If you are willing to try some of these treatment options, I am sure that you will get some really good results.
Herbs for Acne
�� �aloe vera, which removes the acne scars and helps fresh skin come in its place
�� �bergamot heals soars, rashes and acne
�� �rose extract helps reduce acne inflamations
�� �camphor reduces pain in the acne as it provide a sort of welcoming numbness

Bearpaw Kids Boots � Made Specially For Our Children

Bearpaw Kids Boots � Made Specially For Our Children

Author: Tina Elliott

Are you looking for Bearpaw kids boots at a great price?� You won't be the only one because who wouldn't want their kids to wear these fantastic boots that manage to combine warmth, safety and style all at a great price and that is why I wrote this article about good deals.

Click here to find great deals on Bearpaw Kids Boots

Normally, when we are looking for boots for our children we are looking for the best price because kids grow out of the footwear so quickly.

But we are still concerned that the boots do the job we want them to.� We want something that keeps our little ones toes warm and toasty in even the coldest of weather.� We want a boot that keeps our children safe from slipping in icy and snowy conditions and prevents them from a serious injury or broken bones.

We also want a pair of boots that look good with any outfit.� Gone are the days when a pair of wellingtons and a thick pair of socks was good enough to do the job.� These days' young children are almost as fashion conscious as their teenage and adult counterparts.� And if we are honest, as parents, we care more about our children looking good than our parents seemed to when we were young.

The good news is that Bearpaw kids boots live up to all of our expectations and at a price that you can afford.� With a fantastically cosy sheepskin lining, they keep feet warm in the coldest of climates and fans of the boots often wear them without socks because they are so cosy and comfortable.

You don't need to worry about smelly boots lying around the house either.� If your child decides to go sockless, the breathable material of the lining means that feet do not get sweaty and damp.

The soles of Bearpaw boots are all sturdy with a great grip which gives you the confidence that your child will be as safe as they can be whilst they are out and about in slippy conditions.

Not quite as important for children's boots, as they will be replaced more often along with their growth spurts, is the fact that Bearpaw boots are great for retaining their shape over a long period.� It is however reassuring to know that the boots you purchase will continue to look good for as long as your child fits into them.

So all in all, it would seem that Bearpaw kids' boots are the answer to our stringent parental requirements.� That is, good value for money, safe, sturdy, durable and fashionable.

This article was originally published on Bearpaw Kids Boots - Made With Our Children In Mind

The 10 Hottest Car Travel Accessories Today

The 10 Hottest Car Travel Accessories Today

Author: Veronica Scott

You need car accessories to make your travel interesting and comfortable, especially if you regularly drive over long distances. More and more people are taking their cars on business and pleasure trips because of the increase in airfares and the convenience of taking their own car. For this reason, there are many accessories that have hit the market. Some of them are practical and others are fun. However, some are better than others are.

1. You should consider buying car accessories that make the driving experience much more pleasant. These include back massagers, seat belt sheepskins, and cushions for the steering wheel. These accessories will reduce fatigue and they will make long drives easier. The driving experience can also be enhanced by refreshments. You can install a coffee cup warmer for hot coffee and a liquid cooler for cold drinks. If you keep refreshed, you will be awake throughout the journey.

2. For entertainment, invest in a DVD player. The player comes with screens that are fitted wherever you want them. However, you need the right adapters and converters.

3. The hottest entertainment gadget today is the iPod. This comes with several accessories such as an iPod holder and a converter.

4. Always travel with a first aid kit. This should not be an optional accessory because it might be the difference between life and death. Although it might not fit into the description of a hot accessory, always have a fully stocked kit.

5. Hand-free cell phone accessories are very important. A hand-free cell phone is a necessity because it will reduce the risk of accidents since you will be able to concentrate on the road even while talking on the phone and it is actually illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving in some states. There are many companies making this accessory to choose from. Accessories that go with this device include cell phone holders and charges.

6. A hot accessory for cars today is a customized license plate frame. Girls usually prefer decorative frames that match their style and taste and men are usually after much more mucho looking license plate frames. You can have the frame customized to fit your specific tastes and requirements.

7. Car mats are a very hot accessory today. There is no reason a practical accessory cannot be cool. You can choose one that goes with the interior of your car and your personality. You can choose between different colors, styles, and textures.

8. You should consider buying portable games for your kids. These are travel size and they make the journey quicker and the noise levels low.

9. You should invest in a GPS unit. This system is particularly important when travelling to new towns or cities. The system will tell you where you are and you will get additional information such as a weather forecast and a traffic update.

10. You should consider buying a car starter. This goes for as little as 100 dollars, but it is a hot accessory that is also practical. If you buy one from a major retail chain, they will install if for you free of charge.

The Meaning of the Life Path Number of 1 in Numerology

The Meaning of the Life Path Number of 1 in Numerology

Author: Victor Epand

The first calculation to make for a numerological chart is the birth date. The date needs to be written out in the mm/dd/yyyy format. For example if you were born on January 23rd of 1980 it would be 01/23/1980. If you add the numbers of the birth date together you will have the Life Path number. In the example given, it would be 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 or 24- which then reduces to 2 + 4 or 6. The Life Path number is a representation of who you were when you were born and how those ingrained traits will take you through life. Remember that the numbers need to be between 1 and 9 except for the master numbers. Do not reduce 11 or 22 as they are the master numbers and a valid result to have.
Those who have a Life Path number of 1 were born with the ability to become a great leader and attaining that position should be easy. They are fiercely independent, goal oriented and individualistic. Their drive and enthusiasm can take on almost any obstacle. They thrive under challenging situations and can act daring even in the face of the heaviest burdens. Their strength can be manifested physically as well as internally. People with a Life Path number of 1 often become leaders of corporations, politics or the military. Their creative abilities lend well to careers in scientific or technological research. This person will get to whatever goal they want to achieve no matter how many hurdles are placed in their way. In some ways, they truly are a force to be reckoned with.
Their inventive mind and independent spirit make them favor their own needs and stick tirelessly to what they believe is correct. They can become bored with routine and projects that are mired with detail. Assertive and ambitious, they are nevertheless intelligent enough to know when to conceal these aspects- and their often selfish need to have things their way- from others. Others consider this person to be a good friend or ally and a fantastic conversationalist. People are drawn to them but any disapproval will not sit well with those with a Life Path of 1. They are charming and able to read situations for bluffs and truths- important skills to have in a business setting. There is often a sense that this person is standing back, observing everything that is happening and taking mental notes for use later on.
Born a leader, those with this Life Path can often have problems serving as a follower. And though it may indeed be their birthright to be number one, the real world doesn't allow a quick ascension to the top. During the early years of their life, while they are building that independence they are known for, there is a tendency for them to be quite dependant. But that sort of lifestyle will dissatisfy them and they will break the cycle and head off on their own. Care needs to be taken so that they don't become too egotistical, selfish and demanding.

Debt Settlement Process - Do it yourself Credit Card Negotiation

Debt Settlement Process - Do it yourself Credit Card Negotiation

Author: Maria Martin

Although it is referred to as debt settlement or credit card negotiation, which is true in the sense that you will eventually settle your debt BUT it is all about negotiation.
Negotiation is the skill that you are about to learn, not just to settle what you feed your credit card companies monthly but you are going to bring your whole debt total down by 50-80%, do it yourself debt settlement just like we did. YES! Your creditors are going to forgive the majority of your debt and you will be able to move on with your life within 6months.
It is Important to understand the big picture of do it yourself debt settlement and and the step by step credit card negotiation process below:
(1) Accumulate eg: $25,000 in unmanageable debt
(2) Decide that debt settlement is the right option
(3) Stop making all monthly payments.
(4) Put money in a savings account or get a loan from family/friends w/ 0% interest, if possible
(5) Identify the "sweet spot" at around 180 days. Best negotiation is between 150-180 days.
(6) Settle for as much as 50 to 80% off the original balance depending on each creditor.
(7) Written proof via a settlement letter what to look in a proper debt settlement letter.
PLEASE don't hire a third party to assist you with this because they want a percentage of YOUR DEBT as their commission! The do-it-yourself approach keeps most of the money in your pocket.
Why would your creditors take such lows amounts? Creditors get to the point where they know that you are not going to pay the balance off. They are further threatened by the fact that if pushed far enough you just might file for bankruptcy and then they won't get anything in some cases. Yes, they could turn it over to a third party collection agency but then they are going to lose another chunk to them, as a matter of fact, they may sell your accounts that are past the charge off date to collection agencies for 5 or 10 cents on the dollar.
We wish you the best in this Journey toward a better and more positive future Maria and family

Luis Gabriel Perez and University of Internet Science

Luis Gabriel Perez and University of Internet Science

Author: Bob Hirsch
Affiliate Marketing Without a Website
This will help you whether you are in University of Internet Science or not.
Having your own website to promote your affiliate products is a good option. But it is not necessary. There are many methods available that can be used to do your affiliate marketing business. The list is long, but the most important methods are email marketing, writing articles to e-groups, joining online discussions etc. Let us discuss some important methods that can be used to promote your affiliate products without having your own website.
Email Marketing
In this method you can promote your affiliate links and you don�t need your own website. People can click on your affiliate links present in your emails and can go directly to the merchant website to purchase the products.
Your email should contain the introduction about the product you are promoting and your affiliate links. Try to make your emails interesting and brief.
Try to expand your contact list. Use as many methods as you can to grab the email addresses of new people. Use online forums, chat forums etc to make new friends. Your email list must contain a few hundred contacts, at least. But don�t spam. Don�t send emails to the people who don�t know about you or who don�t want to receive your emails. Otherwise they will just block your emails and you will lose your contacts. As I said, your emails should be interesting to get the reader�s attention.
Offline Promotion
You can use the offline methods of promotion, like the classified ads, flyers etc. The best choice is the classified ads because its exposure is largest.
Writing free e-books
It is similar to email marketing. But in this method you will write the informative and interesting e-books and will send to the people via their email address. These e-books should be easy to read and helpful for their readers. The topics should be related to your affiliate products so that you can recommend the products in the body of e-books. Alternatively you can add a brief note about your affiliate products and affiliate links for promotion. If the readers like your e-book, they may visit the merchant website and make a purchase.
Writing in Forums
Search for some forums, at least three, that are related to your product and have high page rank. Register on these forums and start some discussion in the forum where maximum people are involved. Just post your questions there or answer some questions of other members. But don�t add any promotion text in the body of your posts. You are allowed to put your signature at the end of your post. Here you can write you name and your affiliate links.
When you become an active member of this forum then you may get some traffic from these forums to your merchant website through your affiliate links. This will ultimately result in more sales of the products you are promoting.
Writing Articles
You can write articles and publish them in the free article directories. You can embed your affiliate links in the text of your articles. If your articles are well formatted, informative and the article directory has large traffic then you can expect some good traffic to your affiliate links. And you know that more traffic on your affiliate links will result in more sales through your affiliate links.
The use of a website to promote your affiliate products is a good idea but it is not necessary. You can use the alternate methods to promote your affiliate products and links. The most popular among these methods are email marketing, writing to forums, article writing and offline promotion like classified ads. The main idea is that instead of promoting your website you will directly promote your affiliate links and people will directly go to the merchant website by clicking your affiliate links to purchase the products. This way you do not have to pay extra for your website creation and maintenance.
Word Count 654
This helped Luis Gabriel with University of Internet Science.Call him at 8133168770.

Lean For Life Think And Grow Thin - Easy Exercises To Lose Weight Fast

Lean For Life Think And Grow Thin - Easy Exercises To Lose Weight Fast

Author: Michael Ramsey

When you try to lose weight, to eat healthy is vital. It is just as important however to do some exercises. For you to be able to see result the fastest, these exercises must contain some cardio and toning features. Below are examples of easy exercises to lose weight fast. These will help you in your aim to have fit and healthy body.
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One of the easy exercises to lose weight fast is step aerobics. Do this exercise for about an hour a day. You can even divide it into two half an hour sets. It targets the parts of the body where fat usually accumulates which are the hips, bum, and legs. Doing bench presses go well with step aerobics, and within just two weeks time you will be able to see significant results. A real calorie burning exercise is bicycling. You can either ride outdoors or can invest on and exercise bike and do it indoors.
If you like burning calories while staying cool, you can do swimming. It can burn up calories just as much as any other exercise. Swimming for at least an hour will help to also tone almost every part of your body. When we talk about easy exercises, what can be easier than walking? Walking is very easy to fit in our everyday life and it is a great cardio workout when done briskly.
The real secret here is to choose the exercise that you will do on a consistent basis. Try to choose wisely what exercise you will pair with your healthy diet. Consistency is the key here. If ever you get bored try to do other exercises.
There a lot of easy exercises to lose weight fast that you can do. It is vital to remember that you must have the mindset to be determined to reach your weight loss goals. Good luck.
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HGH Weight Loss- Lose Weight Easily with HGH

HGH Weight Loss- Lose Weight Easily with HGH

Author: Matt Penn

HGH stands of human growth hormone and it is now well known that HGH is the hormone that depletes with age and falling HGH levels in your body is the underlying cause of all aging processes in your body.

Enhancing HGH levels is trhough to be the ultimate anit aging solution since it can help restore your youthful looks and body.

One of the benefits of HGH supplementation is that it can help you lose weight.

HGH Weight Loss

The main function of HGH is to help your liver produce Insulin Growth Factor IGF1 which is responsible for triggering tissue and bone growth throughout the body.

The pancreas produces insulin that converts carbohydrates in our diet into glucose in the body. The body maintains the glucose and stores them in fat cells that can be utilized when necessary to produce energy. HGH when introduced into the body prevents the storage of glucose within the cells compelling the body to utilize fat reserves to meet the energy requirements.

This is how HGH can help reduce fat accumulation. Now, in order to meet the energy requirements, your body burns fat that is already accumulated in it, resulting in weight loss.

But this is not all!

Though it is clear that HGH can help you reduce fat, what HGH also does is that it helps build new muscle cells. This ensures that you get a leaner and more muscular body.

This is what no other weight loss product can help you achieve.

HGH Supplements

Though HGH is extremely effective in reducing age effects, you need to be cautious while taking it. HGH injections or shots produce very fast effects but they have side effects and are not really advisable. Moreover, these HGH shots are so expensive that they can burn a hole in your pocket.

HGH supplements are a far better option. These supplements do not have any HGH in them but they are a blend of amino acids that help boost your body's own production of HGH so that you can get more HGH as naturally as possible.

HGH supplements help stimulate your pituitary galnd so that it can increase its own production of HGH. There are no kwnon side effects of HGH supplements. Yet it is important to choose a supplement that is clinically approved and endorsed by doctors.

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